Enrolment Qualifications:

  1. 17-30 years old

  2. High School Graduate (at least grade 10)

  3. Physically and mentally Fit

Application Requirements:

  1. Original and Photocopy of High School Card (High School Graduate)

  2. Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Record and Honorable Dismissal (College Undergraduate - up to second year college only)

  3. Two identical 1”x1” recent ID Colored pictures

  4. Registration / examination Fee - Php 150.00

Enrolment Requirements:

  1. Original and photocopy of High School Card (high school graduate)

  2. Original and Photocopy of Transcript of Records and honorable Dismissal (college undergraduate - up to second year college only)

  3. Original and Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate

  4. Original and Photocopy of Baptismal Certificate

  5. 5. ITR of parents of Tax Exemption

  6. 6. Medical Certificate (includes X-Ray)