Reason, Spirituality, Rapport


St. John Bosco said:

"Preventive system consists in making the rules, and regulations of an institute known, then in being vigilant so that the pupils may always be under the watchful eyes of the director and the assistants, who like loving fathers talk with them, guide them in any difficulty and give them advice and corrections in a kind manner. "

"Spend as much time as you can with your pupils. Try to whisper a kind word to them privately, as you well know, whenever you see the need. This is the great secret of becoming the master of their hearts."

"Remember that boys break rules more through thoughtlessness than through malice, more through lack of supervision than through evil intent. Constantly look after them, discretely keep an eye on them, take part in their games and put up with their noise making and the unavoidable inconvenience they cause you.""Never give harsh reproof or ridicule but only charitable mutual admonition."

"When you give advice or counsel always try to send the person away satisfied and still friendly to you."

"Love one another, advise one another, correct one another and never be carried away by envy or rancour."